In the rules that were released by the Election Commission (EC) for the GE15, it was stated that voters who tested positive with the Covid-19 virus will be allowed priority access to the polling booths on November 19.
Checklist For Covid-19 voters Before Going Out To Vote

Covid-19 voters are required to update their health status on MySejahtera app. They also need to check their voting centre and the voting flow on MySPR semak. They will have to fill in the special form sent via SMS and wear face mask. Not to forget, it is recommended to bring along their own sanitiser and their own pen. Last but not least, Covid-19 voters must drive their vehicle SOLO and don’t bring other passengers.
Regardless, they are required to immediately leave the polling place after casting their ballot and return home to finish their HSO (Home Surveillance Order) quarantine.
Important reminders for ALL of the voters:
- Two peoples are allowed in a vehicle only (you and the driver).
- Both of you have to put on the face mask.
- Pull down the window.
- Sit at the passenger seat.
Guidelines For Covid-19 Voters On The Voting Day
Covid-19 voters are not to be forgotten for this upcoming general election, they are indeed one of the people who will be prioritised to vote in full safety measures, hence Ministry of Health has issued the guidelines specialised for these voters.
On The Way To The Polling Station

Covid-19 voters are required to notify the onsite KKM officer of any medical conditions they may have upon arrival at the polling place. While at the polling station (saluran), the KKM officer will look up their COVID-19 risk level on their MySejahtera profile. Need to keep in mind, putting on a face mask and using some hand sanitiser is mandatory.
Covid-19 voters also will be escorted to your polling station (Saluran) by an officer from the KKM, and they will be given precedence in order to avoid having to congregate with other voters.
At The Polling Station & After Casting Your Ballot

Covid-19 voters must remove their masks away from the election clerk and KKM officer when identifying themselves at the polling station. Hand sanitiser also must be used before dipping a finger into the permanent ink. Police will then instruct them to deposit their mobile device in a designated spot. Later, they need to wait for the permanent ink to dry after placing the phone at the designated spot. A paper ballot will be provided to them after that. They must wash the sanitizer off their hands once more. They can now make their way to the polls to cast their ballot. Once finished, they can get their phone back.
Regardless, they are required to immediately leave the polling place after casting their ballot and return home to finish their HSO (Home Surveillance Order) quarantine.
Important reminders for ALL of the voters:
- Wearing face mask is mandatory at the voting centre.
- Physical contact is not allowed.
- Safe distance is highly recommended.
- Wash and clean your hands often (recommended to bring your own hand sanitiser).
The most crucial lesson to be drawn from this is the importance of exercising heightened vigilance at polling places and of taking all necessary safety measures, such as donning masks and periodically sanitising your hands.
(Source: KKM/MOH)