Clueless as to what to do with the gallons of used oil in your kitchen? Do not fret! It’s always possible to recycle it.
Upcycle Life All The Way!
Managing used oil that has been used for cooking can be quite tricky. Pouring it down the drain will cause damage to the sewage pipes and the environment in the long-run. So what else can you do with it?
You can give or donate it to other people or organisations looking for used oils to convert into biodiesel, or you can convert it for personal use within your home and upcycle it.
Things You Can Do With Used Cooking Oil
1. Lubricant

Used oil is an excellent lubricant for a variety of household items, including squeaking hinges and difficult locks. By applying and spreading oil in the affected area, it will prevent it from sticking. It also helps to prevent rust on metal surfaces and objects like tools.
2. Furniture Polish, Conditioner, & Preservative
Wood Furniture

Owned a dull or scratched wood furniture? Apply old cooking oil to polish and restore the look of the wood. Make a cooking oil and vinegar mixture and use it to polish your wood furniture.
Leather Furniture

Used oil can also be used to soften and preserve your leather furniture. Condition the leather using a small amount of oil on a microfibre cloth and it will help preserve your furniture for a long time.
Rattan & Wicker Furniture

Rattan and wicker furniture are prone to cracking. A soft cloth pressed with old cooking oil on the surface of rattan and wicker furniture will help keep it protected from cracks.
3. Car cleaning material

Used cooking oil can be used to remove tough dirt and other debris from any surface of your car including the brakes and the body. Pour a little bit of cooking oil on a rag or paper towel and wipe the affected areas. It can effectively remove dirt, grime, particles, insects, and other debris.
4. Kitchen Utensils Protector

Rubbing a little old cooking oil on the surface of new pots and pans can help protect them. Before using your new pots and pans, wash them and rub some used oil on the surface. Applying used cooking oil to pots and pans after washing them can help them last longer.
5. Paint/Super Glue Remover

Paint and strong glue is a substance that can be extremely difficult to remove from surfaces or from your hands. By applying it, surprisingly enough it can be removed but with a bit of effort.
6. Compost

If you have a compost pile at home, you can help it by adding used vegetable oil to it. Small amounts of used vegetable oil can be added to feed the worms that help in the composting process. Remember to use only vegetable oil as animal-based oils will cause harm to it.
7. Soap-making

All you need is three ingredients to make a homemade soap; caustic soda, water, and ofcourse, oil. You can always add other ingredients to make your soap better and have other benefits. Not only does it save your shopping budget, you can now easily DIY a soap using your used cooking oil.
8. Lamp oil

Used cooking oil can be used to power household oil lamps. The procedure is quite simple: a container, a wick, and a metal lid is the only thing needed to make an oil lamp. You can easily make an oil lamp now in case of power outage.
There’s so many ways to repurpose a used cooking oil, whether animal-based or vegetable-based, making it one of the most recyclable materials in your home. You can easily store your cooking oil in a jar and use it later for these various alternative uses.
Interested in reading this article on upcycling old cooking oil? Do read 4 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Your Hair.