Every team needs a leader while pursuing a project. A good leader can help to keep all things under control and make progress to meet the deadlines. But, are there any specific qualities to be a good leader? Let’s find out!
What Are The Qualities Of A Good Leader?
It is not an easy task on becoming a leader. Are you a good leader for your team? Find out what qualities you need in order to be a good leader.
1. Good Communication Skills

Image via The Balance
The most important thing while working as a team is to have good communication. Without communication, all projects will not be done as you expect them to be. A team leader needs to have good communication skills.
Tips to improve your communication skills:
- Know your audience
- Be confident with your ideas
- Make sure you understand you own words
- Learn and listen from your audience
- Use the right body language
Imagine if you are shy and not good at talking, how would you manage your team? How would you set the goals for them without having a discussion? Give your team the opportunity to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas during the meeting. This type of clear communication with your team will help make the progress run smoothly.
2. Sense Of Leadership

Images via HRM Asia & Reeracoen Singapore
Next, having a sense of leadership is also important. It is okay to let your team share their ideas and thoughts, but you need to play your role as the leader. Strong leadership is not mean that you need to be bossy. This is when you can motivate and encourage your team to do their best in the project.
Being a person that your team can look up to as a leader can actually help in building a great bonding in the office. It will make your team grow and allow them to have an effective communication.
3. Good At Making Decision

Images via HRD & ACES Learning Hub
Furthermore, a good leader must be good at making decisions. Whether it is a big or small decision. In the beginning, you are the one who decided the deadlines, each other roles in the project, and what needs to be done. Along the way into the project, there will be a lot more for you to decide.
If there is a problem with the project, you need to think and decide fast so that all the work will still be on track. Your problem-solving decision is needed as qualities of becoming a good leader. You will lose a lot of opportunities if you are not able to make a wise decision. The way you solve the problem that occurs will inspire the teams and bring them forward to make sure the project is successful.
4. Ambitious

Image via LinkedIn
Wait! How is it possible for a team leader to have no ambitions? Ambitiousness is one of the most essential characteristics of a good leader. As a project leader, you must have a goal or target that you predicted to achieve with your teams by the end of the project.
If you are not going to have goals, then what’s the point of working together as a team? But remember, setting unrealistic goals and targets is not good too. As a good leader, you need to set manageable deadlines, real expectations, and responsibilities among the team.
5. Good At Keeping Things Under Control

Images via The Beautiful Life Plan & Fortune
Keeping things under control is the main point of having a good leader. Would you stay in a team with a leader who doesn’t know what to do or doesn’t have any checklist about what things need to be done in order? Being good at keeping things under control means that you as a leader need to create a productive work surrounding among your teams to keep track of all the work on the list.
When you have a clear vision or proper checklist of what to do, not only you will feel better, but your team also will be happy to follow you as they know that you are a reliable person to trust and listen to. Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that will help you in collaborative work with your teams.
6. Open For New Ideas & Criticism

Images via BetterUp & Vancouver Is Awesome
A good leader must be ready to accept criticism and feedback from others. This is one of the most important qualities of being a good leader. To keep improving and serve the best, you need to be open-minded in receiving feedback or criticism from others.
A leader who accepts his/her flaws and is willing to learn along with the process is such a good example that your team can follow in the future. As someone that they look up to, you are giving them a real example of being a good leader. Everyone wants the best for their work, so be open-minded and learn from the mistakes together!
7. Respect Everyone

Images via Legacy Business Culture & Ahaslides
Last but not least, respect. Treating each other with respect between the leader and team members is very important. How can you work together if there is no respect between you and your team? The work progress won’t run smoothly and there will be an argument here and there.
Ways of having respect culture in the team:
- Listen to each other carefully
- Be open to different perspectives
- Support each other’s success and failures
- Avoid gossiping about bad things among each other
Having a healthy work environment is good for our mental health and makes us feel happy to wake up and go to work. It all starts with respect.
Being a good leader includes great qualities and characteristics like empathy, adaptability, communication, decision-making, and integrity. Let’s embrace the journey together and continue to improve your qualities of being a good leader and create a healthy work environment in the workplace!