The new MySejahtera update, MySejahtera Trace (MySJ Trace) feature makes it easy for Malaysians when we no longer have to worry about forgetting to check out.
The check out function has always been an issue when many have complained about forgetting to check out and even worse when some are shocked when they suddenly become a close contact individual even when nobody they met before were tested positive Covid-19.
This collaboration between the Technology and Innovation Ministry (MOSTI) together with the Health Ministry (MOH) has introduced an additional function to the application which now can be downloaded to our phones.
Using Bluetooth technology, this new function can also help to detect close contacts of positive Covid-19 cases.
How does MySJ Trace Functions?
As stated by MOSTI, the MySJ Trace function was developed to meet the needs of the Search, Test, Trace, Isolation, Support (FTTIS) programme, which is used by the MOH in the effort of controlling the spread of Covid-19 infection rate.
Instead of having the public to check in and out every time they went to a place, MySJ Trace will collect more precise data as it won’t rely solely on the functions that we often forget.
Collecting Precise Data Through Bluetooth Function
“To ensure the effectiveness of close contact detection activities, users must activate Bluetooth on their mobile devices at all times.
“When an individual is confirmed positive for Covid-19, a notification will be sent via the MySejahtera application to obtain permission to share their close contact information,” MOSTI said in a statement.
When an individual gives permission, MySejahtera will allow access for the Health Ministry to conduct a risk assessment on the close contact data detected via Bluetooth.
However, if the individual that tested positive for Covid-19 does not consent to it, the Health Ministry would not have the access to their MySejahtera and the close contact detection activities will have to be done manually instead.
“The MySJ Trace application uses an ‘anonymized Unique User ID’ (UUID) and does not collect user information and geo-location. This data can only be accessed by the health ministry and is stored in the user’s device for 14 days,” the statement said.
“The entire process of contact tracing and data storage also guarantees security and confidentiality,” they assured.
(Source: Free Malaysia Today)