Pop Meals, a Malaysian-style fast food franchise established in 2020, understands the Malaysian palate like the back of its hand.
Mac and Cheese in Malaysian Style: Mac-deka Trio

Consequently, Pop Meals utilizes the information and presents Mac and Cheese with a Malaysian flair! Specifically, it is a three-variety menu named the Mac-deka Trio.
The newly introduced menu includes the Masak Lemak Mac and Cheese, which is exclusively designed for Malaysia Independence Day in 2022, as well as the ever-prevalent Super Creamy Mac and Cheese and Crazy Spicy Mac and Cheese. The menu will only be available for a short period, from 29th August 2022 to 30th September 2022.
The Reasons for Adding a Local Twist to the Classic Mac and Cheese

Of the 30 items on the menu, Mac and Cheese is the noticeable crowd favorite among Malaysians. Since the first Pop Meals store opened in 2020, a million Mac and Cheese have sold in the 32 stores throughout Klang Valley and Seremban. The menu has seen over 45 variations since its establishment. Presently, it is still updated regularly based on customers’ daily comments. For instance, our staff initially believed the Crazy Spicy Mac and Cheese was too spicy, but our customers informed us they wanted it even spicier, so we upgraded it! Unmistakably, Malaysians really enjoy spicy cuisine. Hence, Pop Meals encourages customers to discover a more popular Mac and Cheese in Malaysia. Furthermore, we are thrilled to commemorate the 65th Merdeka Day accompanied by the three varieties of authentically Malaysian flavor Mac and Cheese.
General manager of Pop Meals, Shaik Ali
The Flavors of Mac-deka Trio & How it’s Made

Malaysians prefer the focus on creamy, savory, and spicy flavors in the Mac-deka Trio. These genuine Malaysian Mac and Cheese recipes, similar to the other menus, are the product of analyzing thousands of customer comments. Based on the comments, the AI decides the amount of creaminess, savouriness, and spiciness that Malaysians of all ages would relish. Thus, it ensures that every meal from Pop Meals’ kitchen is a crowd favorite.
General manager of Pop Meals, Shaik Ali
Pop Meals Customers’ Preferences

Pop Meals assessed over 500 thousand Malaysians to designate their flavor preferences, which were creamy and cheesy (40%) and spicy cuisine (37%), using artificial intelligence (AI) that analyses every order and comment that a customer offers. When it relates to protein, more than 90% of the customers favor chicken.
Lastly, Pop Meals will also give away one free Mac-deka Mac and Cheese with the purchase of three A la carte Mac-deka Mac and Cheese using the Pop Meals app (Android and iOS) and the promo code MACDEKA31. Grab yours now!