PRU 15 2022 is just around the corner, so first-time and experience voters make sure you know how to mark ballot papers the right way so that your vote counts. Here are a few reminders and advice on how to mark ballot papers.
1. Check Your Ballot Paper

As you arrived at the voting station, make sure to check your ballot paper. The ballot paper should be clean of any marks. Please ensure that the ballot paper has a serial number before proceeding to vote.
2. Only Tick At The Box Given

Even though there are 39 ways how to mark ballot paper, it is recommended for voters to tick on the box next to the candidate’s name.
3. Mark With ‘X’ Only

Same as the point above, do mark the ballot paper with X sign in the box provided instead of another way.
4. Only Use Pen To Mark Ballot Paper

As you arrived at the voting poll, make sure to mark the ballot paper using a pen. If there is no pen provided, please call and ask the officer on duty for a pen but do not ever leave your station. Leaving your station might lead to other suspicion and you might not get the chance to vote. Remember, only use a pen to mark your ballot paper.
5. Eyes On The Ballot Paper

After you are done marking the ballot paper, keep your eyes on the ballot paper when you dropped it inside the box.
For states that have to vote for two elections, Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) and Parliament, make sure each vote is dropped at its respective boxes.
1. Do Not Mark On Ballot Paper With Stain

The ballot paper you received should not have any pen marks, stains, smudges, dots or tears. If there are any signs of the ballot paper being used, please called the officer on duty to get a new ballot paper so that your vote will not be a spoilt vote.
2. Do Not Mark Two Different Candidates

Do not mark two different candidates. Make sure to choose only one candidate and mark it on the box right next to their name. Also, do not let your mark overlap with other candidates’ boxes. Your vote might be removed from the count.
3. Do Not Bring Your Own Stationery

Avoid bringing your own stationery to the voting station. Don’t worry, pens and pencils will be provided for you to mark your votes on your ballot paper. However, if there are no stationeries provided at the voting poll, make sure to inform the officer on duty.
4. Do Not Mark On Ballot Paper With No SPR Stamp

If there is no SPR stamp on your ballot paper, please do not mark your vote on it because a ballot paper without an SPR stamp is considered a spoilt vote and it will not be counted. If this problem occurs, quickly call and notify the officers on duty to get a new ballot paper.
5. Do Not Take Pictures

Before you went to your voting poll, you are required to leave your phone at the Head Officer at the voting station. You can retrieved your phone back before you leave the voting station.
Voting is a part of citizens’ responsibility. Therefore, mark your ballot paper correctly during this PRU 15!
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