According to the United Nations, we are living in a pivotal historical moment and climate change is not only the defining issue of our time. Nations need to take immediate action to prevent irreversible harm to the world’s major ecosystems and climate in the future. However, what about us as individuals? What part can we play in saving the planet Earth? To have a less detrimental effect on the environment, there are several daily ways you can take to save planet Earth.
What Can You Do
It is not impossible. Although many believe that individual effort won’t make that much change, if everyone chips in their effort in practicing the ways to save the planet earth, wouldn’t that make a difference, even a little?
1. Consume Water Mindfully

Image via Isowall Group
One of the simplest things you can do to help the environment is to conserve water at home. Consider all the times you use water, both within and outside of your house, and then try to make as many changes as you can. For instance:
- As you are brushing your teeth, turn off the tap.
- Resolve leaking faucets.
- Aerate your faucets, install low-flow toilets and energy-efficient shower heads, and use sprinklers that minimize runoff to increase the efficiency of your water use.
- Gather rainwater and use it to irrigate plants.
- If you don’t truly need a shower that day, cut the duration of your shower down to a few minutes or skip it entirely.
- Use your washing machine or dishwasher only when it is completely full.
2. Implement The 3Rs

Image via Singapore Government
Just by placing that Coke can in the recycling bin, you can contribute to the reduction of pollution. It has a significant impact. In addition, you can bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store and steer clear of single-use glasses, napkins, plates, and spoons. Get off the mailing lists of businesses that send you unsolicited mail by contacting them. Check to see if you could mail the packages together when placing an online order. Invest in goods manufactured from recycled resources. Additionally, remember to recycle the paper you use. Everything has an effect.
3. Conserve Energy

Image via Sovereign Planned Services Ltd
As you may imagine, we think this approach to environmental protection is really great! Anytime you can reduce your electricity usage, the environment benefits. Try a few of these simple energy-saving techniques in your home:
- Replace your incandescent light bulbs with LEDs or CFLs, which use less energy.
- Make use of smart power strips, which cut off an electrical device’s power when it’s not in use. (Alternatively, while not in use, just unplug power wires from the wall)
- Employ a clever thermostat.
- Take care of the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system.
- When purchasing a new appliance, choose a model that has earned the Energy Star certification.
- Stop air leaks from around windows and doors.
- To move warm air in the winter and chilly air in the summer, use ceiling fans.
4. Use Viable Transportation

Image via TraceX
Try riding or walking for short distances; you’ll still get a good workout without going to the gym. If walking or bicycling isn’t an option, consider carpooling to a shared location with a friend, neighbor, or co-worker. If you must drive your car for any reason, schedule your errands along the most direct path to minimize travel time and mileage.
5. Buy Sustainable Products

Image via market 99
While we’re talking about buying, it’s crucial to consider the route your belongings take to get to you. The environmental impact of all that packing and the fuel required for delivery is substantial. Instead, before you click for that two-day shipping, check out your local farmers market for fresh, package-free food; consider dining at a farm-to-table restaurant; and make purchases from local businesses, artists, and apparel designers.
Taking care of the planet is not only our duty but also an obligation. We have an obligation to understand the ways to save the planet Earth for the benefit of our world, ourselves, and future generations. Everybody has the ability to change things, and with a few easy actions, we can save the environment as well as provide a better future for our children.
Would like to read more about this? Read about the Eco-Friendly Practice For A Sustainable Future.