Your birthday is coming up. You have so many things planned in your head. The imagination includes how people would celebrate you and how you are going to react to the surprises. You have planned everything from A-Z. Excited is an understatement.
However, when the day finally arrives, nothing meets your expectations. Now, you are just disappointed and overwhelmed with how things did not go your way. The imagining phase is called the Perfect Moment Syndrome.
A World That Will Ruin You
Perfect Moment Syndrome ruins your special day. And if you keep having these kinds of imagination before any special day, you will slowly lose interest in the joy of life. Here are some ways to deal with it.
1. Make Impromptu Plans
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Plans will, however, stay just that: Plans. What makes a difference is action. It is important to live life spontaneously rather than following a predetermined plan. If you have been itching to travel, just go ahead and do it. Find new hobbies or go out and socialize. Do not plan too much or wait for a long time to do it. The more you wait, the more time you have to come up with unrealistic expectations.
2. Stop Overthinking
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Easier said than done, but the key here is to try. Try to not overthink your special day or even your worst day. It is okay to think about them just for the sake of preparing yourself for any outcomes, but too much of something is not good, we all know that. Another reason for this is also because when you overthink, you are feeding procrastination, the infamous time-thief.
3. Take Things Slow
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We have 24 hours in a day. It is a long time if you actually ‘live’, instead of dreaming. It is useless to compare yourself to others without taking into account how long their efforts may have taken. In fact, it is a sure-fire prescription for failure and complete burnout. You are not in a competition. Live the slow life and you will realize other better things to do rather than dwelling in your own world, thinking of the unsure.
4. Know Your WHYs
Image via Swisslog Healthcare
Ask yourself. Why are you having such high expectations? Or why are you having expectations at all? Are they meant to prove a sense of worthiness, or just to flex on social media? Knowing your purpose in life will save you so much time being depressed about the future. There is a difference between preparing yourself for the worst and setting up fire for yourself to jump into. The advice is, to stay true and realistic with your expectations, if you are to have one.
Perfectionism is the bane of happiness because there is nothing perfect in the world. You will only feel worse if you have expectations. As cliche as it may sound, life is meant to be enjoyed without taking itself too seriously. And there is no doubt that life is far from perfect. Since we have choices in life, always choose the one that you can bear.