In this fast-paced world, the pressure of constant work and hustle, relationships, and commitments have contributed to inducing stress and anxiety in us. Health Minister, Dr. Zaliha Mustafa stated that high living costs, B40 households, urban poor, and interpersonal problems are the major reasons for stress and anxiety based on the 2022 Mental Health Screening by the Ministry of Health (MoH).
Fortunately, we have a tool to reduce our anxiety. Music can reduce stress and provide an escape from all the chaos in your life.
How Exactly Does Music Help To Reduce Your Anxiety?
If you are someone who experiences anxiety, listening to music can be a great option to help you reduce the symptoms. But how exactly does it help?
1. Reduces Stress Reaction

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Stress is one of the top reasons that causes anxiety in an individual. Hence, it is important to curb the stress level to reduce anxiety. Research shows that music with 60 beats per minute causes the brain to synchronize with the beat and create alpha brainwaves. These brainwaves are what is present when we are in a relaxed state. You can listen to songs for at least 45 minutes in a relaxed position to calm your anxiety.
2. Calms Your Nervous System

Image via Sleep.com
The music you listen to can slow down or speed up your heart rate. Listening to slow songs with the right tempo, will help your body relax. The relaxed tempo can help your brain release pleasure chemicals that can bring you down from the nervous state. Listening to slow music can reduce your stress levels which heightens the anxiety.
3. Helps You Rest Better

Image via Science News
Music has the ability to be a great distraction from internal or external stress stimuli. Through this, you will feel happier and your body will be in a relaxed state. Relaxation helps you to sleep better without having any thoughts that induce stress in you. Getting enough rest reduces your anxiety and gives you more energy.
4. Triggers Pleasure In Brain

Image via MindHug
Music has the ability to trigger a feel-good chemical in your brain. This will engage the reward system, causing the brain to release dopamine. It invokes pleasurable emotions and the way your brain responds to other mental rewards like food and money! This tricks your brain into feeling intensely bliss.
Overall, music is a powerful tool to provide relief and a sense of calmness. Through music, you also can practice mindfulness. When you are experiencing anxiety and unable to get things done, you know what to do! Grab your headphones and listen to your favorite music. Here’s to managing and improving your anxiety!