Since it’s only 5 days left before the festive, perhaps some of you might be thinking about what to cook for Hari Raya right? Rendang Ayam or Rendang Daging? Nahhh, it’s too common and boring. Why not prepare some unique dishes for this Hari Raya? Let’s find out what the rare menu you can prepare for this Hari Raya!
8 Menus You Can Serve During Hari Raya
1. Ayam Ungkep

Originated from Java, Indonesia, this unique dish is a must-have menu during Hari Raya especially if you’re a fan of Javanese cuisine! All the ingredients are easy to find, so you don’t have to worry about it. Here is the recipe:

2. Burasak

Almost similar to Lontong but with a richer and savory flavor. This unique dish is also suitable for Hari Raya dish. Burasak is popular among The Buginese! Burasak is cooked inside a banana leaf pouch, and just so you know, the main ingredients used for Burasak are rice and coconut milk which is very easy to get. Pair it with any Rendang and boom! You’re good to go. Check out this Burasak recipe:

3. Laksa Siam

We all know Laksa Penang, Laksa Kedah, Laksa Sarawak and Laksa Johor, but, have you ever eaten Laksa Siam? To be honest, this is the first time we heard this kind of Laksa! The texture of this Laksa Siam is said to be more creamy, thick, and concentrated, compared to the other Laksa. Curios on how to make Laksa Siam? Check the recipe below.

4. Gado-Gado

Another dish from our neighboring country, Indonesia. Gado-gado is also quite popular in Malaysia. Gado-gado literally means “mix mix”, it is a dish with a mixture of vegetables such as long green beans, bean sprouts, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, and some more. Apart from that, there are also proteins in the Gado-gado which are tempe and tofu. Here is the recipe for Gado-gado:

5. Pulut Kuning

It seems like a normal dish for Malaysians, but on Hari Raya, we can rarely find a house that makes Pulut Kuning as their Hari Raya dish! For this year’s Hari Raya, why not try to exchange Lontong to Pulut Kuning? Same goes to Lontong, Pulut Kuning also can be served with a variety of side dishes such as Rendang Ayam or Daging, Serunding and some more! Check out this easy and simple Pulut Kuning recipe:

6. Ketupat Palas Lemak

During Hari Raya, most of the time we can see that people are making lontong and nasi impit as the main dish. People are starting to forget about Ketupat Palas Lemak day by day. So, for this time, why not try to cook something different and rare for this year’s Hari Raya? Your guests must be really happy if you serve this legendary Ketupat Palas Lemak! Check out this Ketupat Palas Lemak recipe:

7. Rendang Kerang

Getting bored of typical types of Rendang? Try out this Rendang Kerang at home for your Hari Raya menu! All the ingredients are almost similar to Rendang Daging or Ayam, all you need to change is the main ingredient, which is the Kerang. If you’re a fan of Kerang, you should try to cook this at home!

8. Soto Ayam

Another unique dish you can serve the guests during Hari Raya, Soto Ayam! Not many people serve this kind of food, especially during the festive season. So, you can grab this opportunity to make a menu that is different from others. This menu can make your open house more unique than the others!

After 2 consecutive years of not being able to celebrate Hari Raya with family and friends, this year, all Malaysians are finally able to celebrate this festive just like before the pandemic came. We can see that everyone is very excited to welcome this festive season! All of these unique dishes might add some color to your Hari Raya, don’t forget to try it out!