Everyone has clothes that are kept untouched in their closet for a long time. Reason? Maybe the clothes are not in style or just do not fit you anymore. Instead of leaving it to occupy your closet, here are 3 stores you can conveniently recycle your clothes in malls in Malaysia.
Recycle clothes in Malaysia
1. Uniqlo

The All-Product Recycling initiative by Uniqlo is implemented to distribute clothes to people in need such as refugees and underprivileged people.
How to donate?
You can donate used UNIQLO clothing at any UNIQLO store across Malaysia. All you have to do is drop them into the Recycling Box placed in-store or approach any of UNIQLO’s staff for assistance.
Click here to find the nearest UNIQLO store and operating hours.
2. H&M

The H&M Garment Collecting programme has been rolled out since 2013 and they have recycling boxes in their stores across the globe including Malaysia. You will see the recycling boxes placed around the payment counter area.
So how does it works?
All you have to do is take any of your unwanted garments by any brand and any conditions to their stores and hand in the bag of clothes to the staff at the payment counter.
Then, for each bag you hand in, you will receive a 15% H&M discount voucher!
How many bags of clothes can I take to H&M?
You probably have a lot of clothes to recycle but H&M will only accept 2 bags with 5 clothes each daily per person. However, you can always recycle again for the next day so no worries!
Click here to find a H&M store near you.
3. Monki

Monki is also accepting unwanted clothes from customers for recycling.
How to recycle clothes at Monki?
All you have to do is to bring any clothes or home textiles of any brand and any condition to the store for recycling. However, you can only bring a maximum of two bags per day, with a minimum of five pieces of clothing in each bag. In exchange, you’ll receive a 10% Monki discount voucher.
Click here to locate a Monki outlet near you.
Have some old running shoes you don’t wear anymore? Donate it and get a RM150 voucher only in this April!