Have you ever found yourself in a conversation where you’re pretty sure the other person missed the memo on social norms? We’ve all been there. Sometimes, navigating social interactions feels like walking carefully through a minefield of social landmines, and it can be tough to figure out who might be blissfully ignorant of the unspoken rules. This could be because that particular person lacks social awareness.
What Is Social Awareness?

Image via One Clear Message Consulting
The meaning of social awareness refers to how someone can understand and recognize social dynamics and issues that exist in a society. Someone with a higher social awareness can often empathize with others and foster positive relationships. It is an essential part of emotional intelligence and is frequently linked to cooperation, conflict resolution, and good communication.
What Are The Signs?
Not knowing the signs of someone lacking social awareness may exhaust you to the core when you speak to them. Instead of battling through your day trying to be civil, here’s how you can identify poor social awareness:
1. No Eye Contact

Image via Know Your Meme
Eye contact might be a clue to social ignorance. People who have trouble maintaining appropriate eye contact may find it difficult to connect with others. This is because maintaining eye contact is often considered a basic social skill.
2. Zero Empathy

Image via Psychology Today
Individuals with low social awareness may find it difficult to understand other people’s thoughts and feelings. You might even notice your thoughts with theirs are unaligned most of the time. They might even come across as uncaring or ignorant of the effects of their words or deeds on people around them. Don’t even expect them to understand your emotions.
3. Insensitive Humor

Image via Scientific American
They often say insensitive or inappropriate kinds of stuff to you and then proceed to say: “It is just a joke” or “Learn to take a joke”. Jokes that cause offense or harm to others could indicate a lack of awareness of social norms. So, if it offends you, it’s not your fault. Don’t feel bad about letting them know you got hurt.
4. Domination

Image via CNN
Some people with low social awareness might dominate discussions, or even you. They often ignore the opinions of others or do not understand the importance of maintaining balance in social situations. For them, only they can be right and everyone else is wrong. They may come across as conceited as a result.
5. Interaction-Breaker!

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Have you ever noticed when you start speaking, the other person will immediately cut you off and won’t even apologize? It’s okay when you interrupt someone and be decent enough to apologize if you have no choice. But someone with a low social awareness would constantly cut you off again and again, and you have no choice but to go silent without saying your piece.
Now that you know the meaning of social awareness and how to identify them, you can dodge a bullet easily. If you notice that you are friends with someone who has low social awareness, try suggesting to them to improve their social intelligence understanding. After all, social awareness is about fostering harmonious relationships in a compassionate and cooperative society.