When asked “what do you do” at a social event, it’s unusual to hear someone say they’re a musical instrument maker or a hacker, right?
The common responses would be teacher, accountant, businessperson, etc. Here, we’ve got 5 interesting job titles and occupations in Malaysia that you might not be familiar with!
Interesting Jobs In Malaysia
1. Luthier

A luthier is a maker of string instruments such as guitars and violins. Putting cost aside, the complexity comes from understanding the right wood to use and how to use it! This job relies heavily on passion!
The average gross pay for luthiers in Malaysia is RM50,966 per annum, which equates to an hourly wage of RM25. The typical wage for an entry level luthier with 1-3 years of experience is RM38,675.
2. Braille Translator

Translating and producing books in Braille in Malaysia is a challenge due to factors such as securing copyrights for translation and the high cost of producing Braille reading materials.
It requires specialised equipment and thicker sheets of paper which can be highly tedious and labour-intensive, and that’s why Braille translator is one of the interesting but uncommon jobs in our country.
As of 2021, only 6.6% of the people who are visually-impaired are registered with the Welfare Department in Malaysia. Moreover, only 30% of them can read Braille.
The average braille transcriber’s gross salary in Malaysia is RM52,367 or an equivalent hourly rate of RM25.
3. Air Traffic Controller

Air Traffic Controllers are professionals who keep air traffic safe and effective. They ensure that aeroplanes are kept at a safe distance from one another and assist pilots with safe takeoff and landing procedures!
They are responsible for a particular section of airspace which includes frequent radio contact with pilots flying over their section, and the responsibility involves giving the pilots instructions, advice and information!
Depending on where they are based, the controllers are given different responsibilities.
The starting monthly salary of a Diploma holder is RM 1,943 according to the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM). For Air Traffic Controller Officer (ATCO) Grade A40, their monthly salary can be up to RM9,007.
4. Crime Scene Photographer

There is a sequence in conducting a crime scene investigation which includes Examine the Scene (Scene Walk-Through & Documentation) and Evidence Tagging & Collection.
Crime scene photographers take photographs of evidence during the two stages mentioned above.
All evidence should be photographed first in the exact location where it was discovered, then with evidential markers and, if necessary, an item to help determine the object’s size, such as a ruler, pen, coin, etc.
Each picture and the order in which it was shot are recorded in a photographic log. A one-to-one snapshot will be taken if a fingerprint is discovered.
The average crime scene photographer’s gross income in Malaysia is RM45,196 or an equivalent hourly rate of RM22 with reference to Salary Expert.
5. Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

CEHs use their expertise to “hack” an organisation’s security system, with authorization, to audit existing and potential weaknesses!
They safeguard and advance an organisation’s technology by hunting for vulnerabilities that could result in a security breach and reporting the identified vulnerabilities to the organisation.
The average salary is RM68,000 per year according to PayScale.
Want to know more about interesting jobs? Read also Work Exchange Within Malaysia: Get More Than a Tourist