Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is a form of activity that accounts for a sizeable amount of daily energy expenditure. Every unintentional or deliberate movement falls under this category of exercise. It incorporates all pacing, fidgeting, and other calorie-burning actions that come naturally to you throughout the course of the day. If you think about it, isn’t it easy to increase your productivity in the workplace if all you have to do is simply get moving?
Unproductivity? Never Heard Of Her.
It does not have to take much effort or time to incorporate extra activity into your work day. Here are a few ideas to increase your productivity in the workplace!
1. Drink More Water

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Water consumption at work should increase your productivity for a variety of reasons. We must have water to survive, a well-known fact. You will feel better and have more energy as a result. What is the correlation though? The trick is when you drink more water, you will move about more to use the bathroom. Need something extreme to challenge yourself? Opt for the one that is the furthest from your office.
2. Take The Stairs

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When possible, avoid using the lift and instead take the stairs if your building has them. There is a good reason why this advice is popular and well-known. Three times as many calories can be burned by climbing stairs as compared to staying still or light jogging. Additionally, taking short stair walking exercise breaks can improve your aerobic fitness, lower your risk of disease, and improve your fitness.
3. Do Desk Exercises

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Desk exercise is another thing that you can do! In order to do this, you will have to stand up and relieve stress on your neck, arms, and lower back by performing a brief stretching routine at your desk. You have spent a large portion of your day sitting at a desk or in front of a computer, so these workouts are meant to keep you moving and healthy.
Time to learn some easy deskercises to do at your office desk!
4. Switch To Yoga Ball

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Okay, if you really can’t leave your desk but still want to move, you might need to consider changing your office chair to a yoga ball. It is a wonderful technique to test your stability and strengthen the core’s supporting muscles by using a yoga ball as a chair at the workplace. With a yoga ball, you can improve your posture. It also encourages you to stay alert due to your effort of wanting to stay balanced on the ball.
5. Walk And Talk

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Instead of sitting while you make calls, stand up, take a short walk, or stretch. Standing while on the phone has the extra benefit of making your voice sound better and often makes you sound more confident. Additionally, if your colleagues are also in the workplace, there is no reason for you to stay at your place. Simply stand up from your chair and approach them for a conversation.
Lack of exercise throughout the day might exacerbate discomfort and cause weight gain. Even while it can seem difficult to overcome sedentary work, you can up your daily exercise with a few easy movements. It is okay to not attempt to complete it all at once. Just incorporate one or two new habits at first and build upon them. Slowly but surely, you will get used to it.