Monday Blues is legit. Everybody goes through it. Everybody dreads the M-day. But it does not stop there. It goes beyond hating the alarm clock for waking us up when we should have been sleeping in. A study in Japan showed that Mondays were the days with the highest suicide rates. Is there really nothing that could be done to beat Monday Blues?
Do we really despise Mondays to this point, though?
Not A Laughing Matter
If you experience the Monday Blues on a regular basis, you should not just accept it or laugh it off. It is a telling sign that something is wrong at work, and you need to either repair it or find work elsewhere.
1. Identify The Problem

Image via BioSpace
Make a list of what you think is dragging your motivation down on Mondays. Whether it is a negative co-worker, long Monday meetings, traffic jams– or maybe all of them. Make it clear to yourself the things that make Mondays hard for you. It helps in prompting you to think of the solutions to face them. They do not have to be resolved but, best believe, by just simply having them justified in the back of your mind will do you justice.
2. Prepare For Monday On Friday

Image via dotdigital
One of the key ways to beat the Monday blues is by completing tasks early. If there are any tedious jobs you need to complete on Monday morning, do them as soon as you can so you do not waste the rest of the day putting them off.
Make sure to leave yourself with as few tasks as you can on Friday afternoon to help reduce that anxiousness on Monday morning. At the end of one work week, by taking care of the tasks you loathe doing, you are improving the beginning of the next.
3. Switch Off For The Weekend

Avoid checking your work voicemail or e-mail over the weekend if at all possible, especially if you will not be able to react until Monday. Setting up distinct lines between business and personal time can help keep things in check.
On Friday, leave your work issues at the office and concentrate on having a good time. Sometimes returning to work on Monday seems extra irritating because you let it encroach into your free time, making it seem as though you never ever had a weekend. Here are 6 Beautiful Nature Retreats In Malaysia to help get your mind off work.
4. Get Enough Sleep And Wake Up Early

Image via UC Davis Health
You are not a robot. It is a well-known fact that getting enough sleep can improve your overall mood and health. You can beat the Monday blues by allowing yourself to feel more focused for the remainder of the day.
This can be done by setting aside some time to enjoy a good breakfast, engage in some exercise, or catch up on current issues. Even if personal problems were to happen, you would have enough time to attend to it before entering work hours. Hence, it will not haunt you while you are working.
5. Dress For Success

Image via Better
When you look good, you feel good. On Monday mornings, half the battle is having a positive self-image since you want to approach work with confidence rather than feeling deflated by it. Therefore, Monday should be the day you choose to wear your favorite new clothing. This can earn you some compliments from co-workers and help you gain more confidence in the office.
6. Smile

Image via Work It Daily
Showering, eating, or even waking up– smile through all that. Smiling as soon as you wake up might seem a little bit silly, but whenever it is, make sure you start your day with a smile. Try to be positive about everything. Ever heard of fake it till you make it?
On a Monday, if you are the one in the office putting smiles on a plate and serving them to people, plenty of good vibes will come back to you. Thus, the first day of your workweek might not be too dreadful after all. You can listen to upbeat songs and sing along to them until the dark clouds above your head vanish.
Here, Mondays are not the enemy. Even if it is not what you want to hear, it is also true: if you hate Monday, it is only a matter of time before you start to hate every day of the week. And that is not how one should spend a week. Make an effort to improve your day. Little changes every day are what make a big difference.