We, Malaysians see a lot of road signs when we hit the road. However, not many of us know that there are some ‘hidden’ (or not so) meanings behind the colours, letters and numbers on the boards that we see. To have a better understanding on them, here is a list of road signs in Malaysia and their meanings for you to refer to!
1. Blue road signs represent toll-free roads

2. Green road signs represent toll roads or highways

3. Federal routes are represented by numbers only (without letters beside them)

4. The letter ‘E’ represents highways

5. Other letters except ‘E’ combined with numbers represent the state roads

6. White wordings represent area names

7. Black letters on white background represent towns

8. Yellow wordings on blue background represent road names

9. White letters on brown background represent tourist destinations

10. Green wordings on white background also represent tourist destinations

11. Yellow wordings on green background represent government institutions

12. The destinations on the road signs are arranged according to distance: from the top as the nearest; to the bottom as the furthest

Did you know about the meanings of these road signs before?
All in all, knowing all these road signs’ meaning doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get lost on the road. But it’s still good to have a bit of knowledge about them, just in case!