Aziza Aznizan, a 26-years-old philanthropist broke the record by being the youngest Malaysian to travel to most countries around the globe since she was 18 years old. Her passions for adventure and discoveries have marked a new history in her life that should be shared with all of us.
Aziza Aznizan, Malaysia’s Greatest Voyager

Thirsty for new experience and perception, Aziza Aznizan spent a few days in each month travelling exotic places around the world to explore the people, culture, food, and most importantly stories. Aiming to become a platform in raising awareness on the importance of travelling, she also wants to change bad perceptions that people have towards some nations.
Discovered 93 Countries by 26 Years Old

To this date, Aziza has reportedly explored 93 countries by the age of 26 and in her personal record, the continent that she enjoyed the most is Africa. Explaining that this ‘crazy’ ideas starts with her curiosity of the world, in her interview with New Sarawak Tribune, she mentioned:
I always unlearn something and re-learn new things when I am travelling. For example, I heard that Iran was dangerous. So I bought a ticket to its capital city, Tehran, and it was actually the most laid back country I have been to. I actually felt safer in Iran at night compared to the streets of Barcelona. Everyone was so friendly.
Aziza Aznizan, Malaysia’s World Traveller
Challenges Faced In Making This History
Highlighting the fact that Aziza is a solo traveller who depends solely on the locals’ plans, experiences really do mature her. She added:
I have been to numerous countries, so it doesn’t scare me anymore; rather, my journey so far has prepared me for the different challenges that I’ll face.
Aziza Aznizan, Malaysia’s World Traveller

Talking in depth about challenges, she mentioned that the difficulties that she faced often are relating to internet connection, collection of sim cards, having to choose the small change from every currency in her bag, and some places have limited resources of halal food nearby. A very challenging situation especially for Muslims.
However, in view of Malaysia’s passport position worldwide, Aziza has never encountered any issue with obtaining a visa.
Complete The Journey by The Age of 30

Asked on her personal goals relating to this history-making fact, she explained that her short term goals for this year is to finish her travels in Asia, therefore hitting 100 countries by April. She said:
I plan to finish off my travels around Eastern Europe and East Africa as well. I only have two east African countries left. Then I plan to rent a camper van with some friends and take a road trip across West Africa.
Aziza Aznizan, Malaysia’s World Traveller
On the other hand, her long-term goal is to finish discovering every country on the globe by the age of 30. We at Rise Malaysia will give our fullest support to Aziza Aznizan in chasing her dreams at the same time makes all of us proud!
For more insight, check out the Tik Tok video below:
To know more about Aziza Aznizan, kindly visit her Instagram and Tik Tok.
(Source: New Sarawak Tribune)
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