Malaysia will be having its 15th general election or also known as Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) or General Election (GE). Calling all first time voters for PRU 15 2022! If you are worried and clueless about the voting do’s and dont’s, don’t fret. Here are important tips first time voters should know before voting on PRU 15 2022.
10 Tips First Time Voters Should Know During PRU 15
1. Bring Your IC

Before entering your designated voting area for PRU 15 2022, make sure you have brought your NRIC or commonly known as MyKad.
The officers on duty will check and verify your identity. This to confirm you that you are a Malaysian, you really are who you claim to be and to ensure you this is the first and only vote for this year general election before allowing you to vote. So, this tips is the most important!
2. Wear Appropriate Clothes

Even though, there are no rules set regarding clothes for PRU 15 2022, but wear comfortable and suitable clothes because queuing and waiting for your turn to vote might take a while. So, it is recommended to wear clothes that are breathable that will not cause you to sweat like crazy. This tip for first time voters would really help if it’s a sunny, hot day.
3. Silent Your Phone

Phones are allowed in the premises of voting, but you are not allowed to play with your hand phones during voting, and it is encouraged to set your phone in mute setting so that it will not disturb other people and to stay in silence during PRU 15 2022.
4. Don’t Paint Your Nails

It is better for you to not paint your nails to avoid it getting tainted by the blue paint that will be swiped on your index finger before arriving at the voting booth. The ink is supposedly stayed on your finger for more than a week, so this tips is especially for first time voters, please book your manicure appointment after the ink is gone!
5. Never Wear Clothes With Political Logos During Voting

PRU 15 2022 is just around the corner and people are getting excited to the extent of political merchandise are being sold. However, during voting, you are not allowed to wear clothes with political logos. If you are caught with wearing cloth or any accessories related to any candidates, you might get fine, imprisoned or both.
6. Follow The Recommended Time Stated In Election Information

As you check your information to know your voting station on SPR SEMAK, there is a column where they suggested the time you should arrive at the venue. It is recommended to follow the time stated to avoid massive crowd appearing at once and try to come 10 to 15 minutes earlier from recommended time.
7. Check Your Voting Ballots

It is important to check your PRU 15 2022 voting ballots. Every voting ballots has its own unique serial number and certified stamp. Please make sure, the paper is not torn or misprinted. If there are any issues regarding the voting paper, please call any of the staff there, but never leave the voting booth you enter.
8. Do Not Bring In Or Bring Out Voting Ballots

You are not allowed to bring in or bring out voting ballots from the voting poll. Voting ballots are only supposed to be at the voting booth and if you are caught with one outside the premises, you can fine, sentenced to prison or both. So, please be careful during PRU 15 2022.
9. X Is The Only Mark Allowed On The Paper

The sign ‘X’ is the only mark that is allowed on the paper. You can only use this ‘X’ to mark at the politic party that you choose.
If there is any other sign other than ‘X’, your vote will be considered as a spoilt vote or undi rosak and this mean your vote will not be count. However, if before you even cross your vote and there is any issue your concern regarding the voting ballots, please call the staff for help.
10. Do Not Loiter Around The Voting Station

Please do not loiter around the voting station after casting your vote. You are encouraged to quickly left the premises after voting, this is because officers on duty will consider people who are loitering around the voting station as someone who is trying to create chance to vote again.
So here are 10 things first time voters should know about PRU 15 2022. Every each of your votes are significance to create a better Malaysia for the future. Therefore, let’s all vote during 19th November 2022!
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