Since cuti sekolah is approaching, parents need to keep their children entertained for them to enjoy their holiday to the fullest. Plus, it’s almost monsoon season where outdoor activities are mostly declined. Get your energy boosted for these indoor games for family to try this cuti sekolah.
7 Indoor Games for Family
1. Puzzle Game

Who doesn’t know what Puzzle Game is, right? A game which requires you to put all the pieces together forming a picture. It is considered as a mental exercise because it challenges one’s mental speed, knowledge, and at the same time improves their memory.
Yes, it is entertaining and offers a lot of benefits to children. However, did you know that as an adult, working on puzzles or any other mental exercise games may help you to prevent dementia or Alzheimer’s? Well, now you know, so keep this game in your routine!
2. Pencil and Paper Game

Pencil and Paper Game really requires adults or parents to guide and help their children. This game is when children are provided with a table of letters (A-Z) with the categories to be filled. The example can be clearly observed below:

From this particular game, it would not only fill the children’s time, but also remind them of what they’ve learnt at school. This is one of the perfect indoor games for family especially kids, to reapply their English language knowledge. Flex that vocabulary!
3. Dam Ular Game

When it comes to the Dam Ular Game, there’s no Malaysian who isn’t familiar with it, right? Come on! I bet we’ve played this game at least once in our lifetime! An extremely simple and easy game to play. Very beginner-friendly.
All you need to do is roll the dice and move your marker or you (if you use giant Dam Ular Game) according to the number you get. Easy peasy! However, there’s some twists on the board as there are snakes and ladders to help you either ‘climb’ or ‘fall’ the level. As there are 2 dice provided, this game will be a good practice for fast maths to children and adults.
4. “I Spy” Game

“I Spy” Game is all about observations, which is a great way to hone children’s observation skills. There are no tools or markers needed to play this game making it an even easiest choice. You can play it anywhere, anytime!
In this game, one person will only have to say “I spy with my little eye something that is (colour/size/material/shape/etc.)” and the rest will have to guess what he/she is describing. Just find anything that’s around you which can be seen with your eyes and give a simple description of it. Entertaining & easy!
5. Origami Folding Game

Growing up in Malaysia, we are quite friendly with Japanese culture, including Origami Folding Game. Origami is an art of folding paper into decorative figures or shapes which needs practice and techniques. This activity is also an exercise for your brain; requires hand-eye coordination skills & mental concentration.
The only things you need to make this game a success are origami papers and… your hands! And if you already have everything on the list, you’re good to go. Teach them how to fold certain figures or shapes and set a timer to see who can pull it off faster. Done! Plus, these origami can be used as a decoration for your children’s bedroom or playing room. There’s no wasting anything here, okay?
6. Hide and Seek Game

Let’s talk about the Hide and Seek Game that your grandparents will scold you if you play it late in the evening. They said you’ll get kidnapped by so-called-ghost if you play it at the wrong time. You’re all scared and worried to play it before, but now, we need character development! Let’s play it with your children, but still consider the time to play it.
As self-explained as the name is, this game requires one to count from 1-10 meanwhile the other will go hide from him/her. After they finish counting, they’ll start seeking for the others until they can find everyone. This game will literally make you laugh like crazy while sweating. A good alternative for children who love outdoor activities.
7. Cooking Game

For those parents who wished their kids to be Gordon Ramsey when they’re older, now is the right time to plant that curiosity. Cooking Game with your children has the same idea as the cooking competition you watch on TV. Anything that starts at an early age has a bigger possibility to succeed, including cooking. Plus, cooking should be a basic skill for one to survive.
All you need to do is choose a simple recipe (eg: sandwich, smoothies, wrap) and provide the ingredients for them. It’s important to at least give them guidance especially when it comes to sharp appliances like knives or scissors before trusting them on it. This will offer them confidence and trust in handling fragile or dangerous tools.
These indoor games that we’ve compiled for you aren’t only going to make your days well-spent, but also contribute to skills development, mental strength, and valuable lessons. Reminder to parents, your children will get older by time and if you didn’t cherish this moment to bond with them, you probably won’t get the same chance again. Spend time and know your kids better than anyone else, that should be the goal.
More activities and places for this cuti sekolah: