Trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi live on or inside of us and maintaining a good, balanced relationship with them is to our advantage. Together, they form the gut microbiome, a rich ecosystem that performs a variety of functions in our bodies. The bacteria in our guts can break down food the body can’t digest, produce important nutrients, regulate the immune system, and protect against harmful germs.
What Exactly Is Gut Microbiome?
Diet is emerging as one of the leading influences on the health of our guts. Dietary fibre from foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains, is the best fuel for gut bacteria. When bacteria digest fibre, they produce short-chain fatty acids that nourish the gut barrier, improve immune function and can help prevent inflammation, which reduces the risk of cancer.
Butyrate is the main short-chain fatty acid that is the main fuel for the cells that line the gut, known as “Colonocytes”, providing up to 70% of their energetic requirements. In other words, butyrate helps these cells fulfil their functions correctly, thus maintaining the integrity of the gut wall, called “mucosa.” It also helps to regulate immune processes through anti-inflammatory effects.
Over the past century, fibre intake by humans has decreased substantially as compared to the communities of populations eating traditional high-fibre diets. Unfortunately, industrial farming practices and processed foods have reduced the diversity of the food available to us. Today, 75% of the world’s food originates from only twelve plants and five animals.
Now we know the importance of Butyrate, how do we get it?
How to Obtain Butyrate?
You can have the convenience of getting the required Butyrate via a health food product called Energast Max. It is designed to increase the level of butyric acid in the intestines and compensate for the butyric acid deficiency in the colon.
Energast Max is a unique and original preparation of microencapsulated sodium butyrate that protects the active substance from the stomach acid and ensures its sustainable delivery throughout the entire intestines. You can find out more info about Energast Max here. However, if symptoms persist, consult your pharmacist or doctor.