A car is an asset that needs to be taken care of carefully. Even if you are not a fan of cars, you should not overlook and put only a little investment and effort into your car maintenance.
A well-maintained car guarantees to put you in a safer condition while you are driving, saves your money from unnecessary repairs, boosts your car’s performance, and also, you can maintain its resale value in the future. Here are 5 essentials car maintenance to ensure your car stays in tip-top shape!
5 Things You Should Do To Keep The Car In A Top Shape
1. Don’t Skip Maintenance Schedule!
First and foremost, you should follow the car’s maintenance schedule. Every car that you have bought has its own maintenance schedule sets by the car’s manufacturer. This is to avoid any damages and also to prevent you from getting potentially costly repairs. By not skipping any of the schedules, there are chances for your car’s lifespan to be longer!
Always keep in your mind to save all the maintenance records and receipts for your future reference. We never knew what will happen in the future!
2. Check Oil And Fluids Regularly
Apart from following the maintenance schedule of the car, you also need to monitor the engine oil, coolant, and brake fluid by yourself. This is to ensure there will be no leaks that can damage your precious car. However, if you find any leakage, straightly report it to the service center and tell them about the leaking. That is why a little knowledge about the engine and all is important.
3. Wash Frequently And Wax For Extra Protection
Using rain as an excuse to not wash your car? It’s a big No-No. Don’t ever think of that if you love your car! Exterior maintenance for your car is also important! Apart from being exposed to rain, your car is also exposed to other weather conditions like the sun’s heat which might damage your car’s exterior. The paint will gradually dull and reduce your car’s value. Hence, that is why you should wash your car regularly and get your car waxed for extra protection.
4. Inspect The Tires
Your car won’t be moving if the tires are damaged! To ensure a safe and smooth journey, do check your tires before and after you drive your car. Inaccurate tire pressure may result in you getting involved in car accidents, so this maintenance is crucial! What you can do is:
- Check the pressure of the rubber wheels
- Keep the tire pressure according to the recommended levels
- Rotate the tire regularly to make sure an even usage
5. Look Into The Lights
If you have been using your car for too long, you might be noticed some lights may have been damaged or gotten dull. Proper working lights are very important especially when you are driving at night or during the rain. Why is it important? Lights make you visible to other drivers so that they are aware you are on the road. Make sure to change your bulb and clean the lenses at a certified and trusted service center!
After all, your car won’t magically take care of itself unlike The Magic Carpet of Aladdin. In fact, we have to treat our car with proper maintenance just like a baby. Our car loses value the moment we drive it off and continues to lose its value as time goes on. The least we can do is to slow down the car’s depreciation value.
If you have any plan to sell your car in the near future, these are the essential car maintenance you need to take care of so that the car’s value won’t be drastically decreased. You can simply head up to Carsome, the largest integrated car e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia to sell your car. At Carsome, you don’t need to worry about all the tedious paperwork! All you need to do is:
- Book an inspection
- Wait for trained inspectors to conduct a thorough 175-point inspection (to get the best price)
- The car will get an on-the-spot offer or go for live bidding
If you’re planning to buy used car, check this article for useful tips!
Psssttt… A tip from Carsome, if you go for live bidding, you can get up to 20 percent! Check out Carsome now to get the best deal for your car! *Terms and Conditions Apply*