About Us

Rise Malaysian, Rise Malaysia!

Your trusted digital media for seamless communication between Malaysia's finest talents and the whole nation.

Who we are

RiseMalaysia.my is an online media expanded from Firstboard Sdn. Bhd. in October 2021. We focus on providing informative content covering career advancements, businesses, events, and personal development with the aim to empower the future Malaysians, corporate companies, and the entire rising nation.


Our Vision

Fostering Malaysia to be the talent capital of Southeast Asia

Our Mission

To provide beneficial content that upskills the leadership, knowledge, profession, and values to Malaysian leaders and talents

Our R.I.S.E. Pillars

We have a big plan.
And you are part of it.

Are you passionate about creative writing and online media?
RiseMalaysia.my invites talented individuals to join us as we strive to make a difference.
Fuel your creativity, collaborate with industry experts, and make a real impact!

Reach Us Here!